Bridge Business Brokers Edmonton

The Blog

Thinking about buying or selling a business? Not sure if its the right time or even how to get started?
Read our blog to learn more!

A Beginner’s Guide to Buying a Mechanical Business

A Beginner’s Guide to Buying a Mechanical Business

Posted by Bridge Business Brokers on 1st Jun 2024

Entering the mechanical business sector as a buyer can be an exciting opportunity but also a complex challenge. Whether it's a shop specializing in automotive repair, machinery maintenance, or another mechanical servic … read more
How to Value an HVAC Business: A Buyer’s Guide

How to Value an HVAC Business: A Buyer’s Guide

Posted by Bridge Business Brokers on 1st May 2024

When you are considering purchasing an HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) business, understanding how to accurately value the company is crucial. This guide will break down the valuation process, highli … read more
Overcoming Common Challenges When Buying a Business

Overcoming Common Challenges When Buying a Business

Posted by Bridge Business Brokers on 1st Apr 2024

Imagine owning your own business. You get to make all the important decisions and build your dreams from the ground up. While starting a business from scratch is one way to go, another option is to buy a business. Th … read more